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Monthly Archives: February, 2018

  1. Toshiba chip

    Big moves by Toshiba could be on the way.

  2. PwC’s 2017 Global State of Information Security found that 62% of business use managed security services for cybersecurity and privacy.

    How about you? http://clevercoding.com/

  3. Swipe right for better search results?

    The startup company, Cake, with $5 million in backing, releases the first swipeable mobile browser in the hopes of taking on Chrome and Safari.

  4. From classical to modern-day software development

    Do you think the software development skills of yesteryear work in today’s complex coding environment? If so, think again.

  5. Facebook changes

    Facebook is going to prioritize news headlines coming from legitimate sources within its feeds.

  6. Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds. -John Perry Barlow


  7. “Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.” Edna Buchanan

    “Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.” ~Edna Buchanan http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5008019/Blind-deaf-man-attends-football-match-interpreter.html

  8. Wacky gadgets

    2017 saw some useful gadgets come to market. It also gave us a few that are a bit more bizarre than practical.

  9. Essential keys to eCommerce web development

    Building a good-looking and effective eCommerce website requires more than guess-work. This is the type of web development we excel at.

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