I have recently had the opportunity to work for Joel Ehrenkranz and the i-calQ team, developing and engineering the proto-type software of their android apps that diagnose and measure hemoglobin and TSH content. It was a thrilling experience. This kind of cutting edge technology, software, and ideas, could help lead a revolution of easy access…
Android – Simple Tips – Bitmap Memory Leaks
The Problem Java uses garbage collection to manage memory. This does not mean that memory leaks never happen. They do. Bitmaps are one area where memory leaks can occur when creating and Android application. What Android Developers Has To Say “On Android Android 2.2 (API level 8) and lower, when garbage collection occurs, your app’s…
iPhone 5s and iOS 7 Review
Not only one iPhone but two were released this past month and along with those phones came the iOS 7 update, the first major overhaul since the iPhone’s birth. I have heard many mixed reviews about the new iPhone as well and the update and I am here to write a few pros and cons…
Easy Android XML changes for many controls
Something that I found recently is the option to change any property of several controls in XML for an Android app (at the same time) using Eclipse. To do this, simply command click (or control click for windows users) the various objects (fields, widgets, layouts, images, etc) you would like to edit from the Graphical…
The Mobile Explosion
The mobile industry continues to grow exponentially. Android, iOS, even Windows Phone, you name it, is experiencing rapid penetration worldwide. With increased penetration comes ever-growing revenue for firms to capture. Since 2010, global mobile app revenue has grown at a rate of over 107%. This year’s revenues alone are expected to reach an unprecedented 25…
Building a Mobile App
Making an appealing and successful mobile application is often times much more difficult than people might expect. Making the application on a good budget (and sticking to it) is usually harder still. Many times people want their apps made, but don’t have a full understanding of the process, or where common snags will cut into…
4 Million downloads!
Clever Coding own company apps including Paper Pilot, First Words, Kids Spanish and Domino Physics have now topped the 4 million download mark.
Looking for Mobile Developers to join our team.
Clever Coding is currently looking for talented part time and full time mobile developers to join our team. If you have the iPhone and/or Android skills to come in an contribute please contact us.
RootsMagic Genealogy App
RootsMagic Genealogy app for the iPhone and iPad was developed by Clever Coding for RootsMagic. Learn how to hire us to develop your next mobile app. Family History Viewer App Compliments Windows Desktop Software Uses Sqlite database iTunes File Sharing and Dropbox Integration Universal App for iPad and iPhone Ported thousands of line of code…
ShowScoop Concerts
ShowScoop Concerts app for the iPhone was developed by Clever Coding for ShowScoop. Learn how to hire us to develop your next mobile app. Rate how bands perform live. Never go to a bad concert again. With ShowScoop you can rate concerts, share photos of the show, keep track of the shows you’ve seen, follow…